Wiener Rösthaus

Our Coffee Roastery in the Viennese Prater

We roast our beans in the world famous Viennese Prater, wherecustom and tradition go hand in hand.
Our specialty coffees consist of 100% pure Arabica beans and are characterized by incomparable aromas and great digestibility.

We roast our beans according to old Viennese tradition out of professional and personal conviction. Not only is the Viennese coffee house culture world cultural heritage so is the Vienna coffee roasting method. Rich chocolate colored coffee beans are a result of slow roasting at low temperatures, cautiousness and care ensuring pure unadulterated taste. An excellent result justifies the elaborate procedure.
Whether strong or mild, chocolaty or flowery in flavour -each pure origin coffee has its own strength and impresses with its unique character, since each coffee bean has around 800 fascinating aromas which must be preserved and refined.

“Coffee is far more than a beverage.
It is an invitation to life, disguised as a warm cup of liquid.
It’s a trumpet wakeup call or a gentle rousing hand on your shoulder…
Coffee is an experience, an offer, a rite of passage, a good excuse to get together.”

Wiener Rösthaus, Tigergasse 33, 1080 Wien
Tel: +43 1 40 22 886

Öffnungszeiten: Montag – Freitag : 10:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr
Samstag: 9:00 Uhr – 13:00 Uhr

Wiener Rösthaus im Prater, Strasse des 1.Mai / Parzelle 80, 1020 Wien
Tel: +43 1 72 01 174