We are passionate about silver. The soft, shimmering white metal has accompanied humankind for thousands of years but it still inspires us anew each day: its charm and its character, its allure and the value it conveys, its style and its distinction. This can be felt fully in our products, because we love silver and live for it — and because we are masters of our craft.
In 2012, Peter Lindmoser and Moriz Fleissinger founded Espressomobil, the first mobile coffee provider in Austria. Then it became time for the startup entrepreneurs to review their operation. The resulting numbers, data, and facts were extremely impressive.
Today, Espressomobil is represented throughout the Austrian capital of Vienna with 12 vehicles, 4 Coffee-Cases, 7 mobile locations – including the Technical University, the Stadtpark, the Altes AKH, and UNO
City – and 2 Coffee-Shops, in
We roast our beans in the world famous Viennese Prater, wherecustom and tradition go hand in hand.
Our specialty coffees consist of 100% pure Arabica beans and are characterized by incomparable aromas and great digestibility.
Though Lobmeyr continually focuses on the contemporary interpretation of glass, it has never stopped cultivating its heritage. The old inspires the new, traditional
know-how facilitates innovation.